Chutney wheels are a ready-to-eat snack made from minced Topside beef with added fruit chutney to create that dominant chutney flavour that leaves you wanting more!
Bacon biltong is a unique twist on the traditional South African snack, biltong, which is typically made from beef or venison and is a great choice for those looking to experiment with different snack options.
Our bacon biltong is crafted with precision and care and undergoes a traditional curing process before being infused with the perfect blend of chili and honey sweetness.
Weekly Deal - Drywors / Droëwors - Traditional flavour
The ideal snack to chew on. Dry wors (“Dried Sausage”) is made from a combination of beef and lamb gourmet mince mixed with our special spices and then air-dried. Ideal for campers and in kid’s lunch boxes.