Beef Jerky In Perth

Beef Jerky In Perth

Beef Jerky In Perth

“Aha, Mufasa’s Beef Jerky in Perth. You’re like the high school sweetheart of snacks—you’ve been there for us through thick and thin. Through our first kiss, our first breakup, and every awkward party we’ve ever gone to” – customers know us best we say!

But Mufasa Beef Jerky in Perth is more than just a snack – it is a lifesaver! Mufasa Beef Jerky has all the protein, nutrients, and vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy, strong, and fit. Not all Beef jerky is Gluten Free, but Mufasa Beef Jerky in Perth is also low in calories, so it won’t leave you feeling bloated or guilty after eating it. You can even take it with you when you go on adventures!

If you’re looking for a delicious, tasty, premium cut of beef jerky in Perth that’s been handmade to perfection and if you’ve got all ages in your home, then you’ll love Mufasa Beef Jerky as much as your kids will! It’s made from 100% grass-fed beef and has no added hormones or chemicals. You can enjoy it any time of day, whether it be at the gym or before bedtime. And if you’re a sports lover, Mufasa’s Beef Jerky in Perth is perfect for fuelling your body with protein and keeping your muscles strong.

Be an adventurer and try the different flavours of Mufasa Beef Jerky in Perth! The different flavours make it easy to find one that suits everyone’s tastes.

Exploring The Best Biltong In Perth Before Buying It From Stores

Best biltong in Perth

Biltong is a form of air-dried meat, originated in South Africa. African communities have been making this delicious snack to preserve meat for hundreds of years.

The basic ingredients used in traditional biltong are:

  • meat
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • vinegar
  • coriander

Historically, beef and ostrich have been the most common choices of biltong meat. However, any other meat can be used to make biltong, including fish, chicken, and pork.

As the best biltong in Perth production continues to grow, variations in the ingredients and flavours are expanding. Common add-ons include brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, chilli peppers, garlic and onion powder, and other spices.

Currently, the majority of commercially produced biltong is made from beef. However, you may occasionally find venison, ostrich, and other game meat biltong from artisanal producers.

Biltong can be prepared with different types of meats

Traditionally, beef is used in biltong due to its availability. However, any type of red meat will do the trick. Pork, ostrich, game, turkey thigh meat, and pigeon breasts can be used to make biltong. Each type of meat provides a unique and delicious flavour.

The recipe uses a variety of incredibly flavorful ingredients

While the meat itself has its unique flavour, the process of making biltong involves adding other flavourful ingredients, such as salt, vinegar, and other spices. Black pepper, coriander, brown sugar, paprika, sea salt and garlic are used most commonly. It is never too salty and too acidic from the vinegar. With all the different flavours combined, it creates a unique and unforgettable taste.

Nutrients and potential benefits of biltong

Biltong’s surge in popularity is partly because of its favourable nutrient composition, which other common snacks lack.

Its low carbohydrate and high protein content make it an ideal fit for a number of diets. Biltong is known to be a rich source of iron, an essential nutrient that most people are lacking.

The nutrition profile of a 1 oz serving of beef biltong is:

  • Calories: 80
  • Carbs: 1 gram
  • Fat: 2 grams
  • Protein: 16 grams
  • Sodium: 19% of the DV
  • Iron: 35% of the daily value (DV)

Dried beef (biltong) also serves as a good source of several other nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins.

Biltong is not the same as jerky

Biltong is often confused with jerky as they are both dried, meat-based snacks. The ingredients and preparation techniques are quite distinct, however.

Different processes of preparing the two snacks

Both biltong and jerky use dried meat, but the meats are dried differently.

Jerky is roasted or smoked for a few hours; in contrast, biltong is not cooked but wholly air-dried.

In fact, biltong is soaked in a mixture of salt and vinegar brine before hanging to air-dry. This aging and drying process can last for as long as 1 to 2 weeks before it is ready to serve.

If you are thinking of adding biltong to your snack diet, make sure you buy it from a quality biltong shop like Mufasa Biltong. Visit our website if you have further queries.

Everything You Want To Know About Beef Biltong

Beef biltong online Australia

Do you fancy trying out a new South African snack, biltong? Indeed, this nutrient-rich, satisfying dish will blow your mind.

Biltong is air dried, thinly sliced, cured meat that originated in Southern African countries like Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. It is a little like beef jerky. Just like beef jerky, biltong was used to pep up exhausted travellers on long-distance journeys.

Southern Africans used to preserve their meat by curing it with a little bit of salt and hanging it up in a cold room. Then Europeans came along and altered the entire process. They brought spices, vinegar, pepper, coriander and cloves to the mix.


When it comes to traditional biltong, we are talking about a whole range of cured and dried meats. South Africans have been mixing salt into the meat and hanging it up to air dry for decades. Recently, the rest of the world came to know about the dish and has modified the recipe.

What Meats are We Talking About?

Although biltong can be made from different meats, you will most often find beef on it. This is because beef is readily available in the market and inexpensive as well. However, biltong can also be made using fish (dried, salty bokkoms, and even shark), ostrich meat, sirloin of springbok or kudu. Believe it or not, you will love this snack.

What is the Difference Between Beef Jerky and Biltong?

Beef jerky and biltong may look similar, but they are worlds apart.

Beef jerky has been around for a while now. In fact, some people believe it dates back to an ancient Inca Tribe called the Quechua, who coined the term ‘charki’ (today it is known as ‘jerky’). Jerky means dried and salted meat.

Others think North Americans have discovered it. Since drying meat is one of the most ancient methods in the book for preserving food, it is no wonder we get confused when looking at their origins.

Typically, when we talk about beef jerky, we are looking at thin slices of lean beef, dried low and slow. Beef jerky can be prepared in different ways. Smoking, salting, and dehydrating are the most commonly known methods.

Why use the salt? Salt helps gently draw the moisture out and add flavour to the meat.

The ideal beef jerky has a tiny amount of fat because fat does not dry well and can turn rancid.

What is biltong?

Biltong is made with fewer preservatives and fewer artificial flavours. The best biltong makers stick to the age-old methods used in South Africa to prepare this stunning dish.

Traditional biltong is thicker than beef jerky. What sets biltong apart from beef jerky? It is all in the seasoning. The meat in biltong is coated in a unique, moreish spice mix, traditional rock salt, all-spice, ground coriander seeds, and black pepper. Vinegar is also added to the mix. Vinegar gives a distinct layer of flavour to the dried and cured meat, softening up the meat to give it that steak-like mouthfeel.

Mufasa Biltong is your one-stop destination for all sorts of dried meats you can get at an affordable price. Check out the site now

A Step-By-Step Guide To Preparing The Biltong: A South African Delicacy

south african biltong

If you ever had the pleasure of trying Biltong (dried meat), you will know how tasty this South African delicacy is.

South African Biltong is traditionally made from lean beef with salt, spices and vinegar. The name of the recipe comes from the Dutch word Bil, which means buttock of an animal, and Tong, which means the tongue.

If you are looking forward to making this South African delicacy in your kitchen, this guide is here to help.

Choosing the Meat

Traditionally, in South Africa, wild game is used to make Biltong. This can be Kudu, Springbok, or Ostrich. The main factors to consider when choosing the meat are its quality and the right piece.

It would be best if you can hang rump steak. The meat is tender and tastes excellent as steak.

In fact, selecting the right Biltong meat is simple. The meat should be lean, tender and easy to hang. You do not necessarily have to use high-quality rump steak to prepare this dish. The faux-filet or topside of a beef joint will also taste exceptionally good, depending on the quality of the meat.

Ingredients: Basic recipe for original South African Biltong

  • 3 kg lean easy to hang beef
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Coriander seeds
  • Fresh garlic
  • Sugar
  • Sausage string
  • Vinegar (malt vinegar or white wine vinegar)

Step 1

First, rinse the rump steak in cold water and trim away any fat from the meat. (leave the fat on if you want fatty biltong.

Step 2

Cut the meat lengthwise across the fibre in 2 cm thick slices using a sharp knife. The width of the beef pieces should be at least 5 cm.

Step 3

Lightly toast some coriander seeds in a pan. This will enhance the flavour of the meat. Then roughly crush them in a mortar.

Step 4

The spice mix should include 30-gram salt, one tablespoon coriander seeds, 1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, one crushed garlic clove, along with 50 ml vinegar.

You may add a little bit of chilli, which is optional. You can also use pepperoncino flakes to add flavour to the dish.

Step 5

Pour some vinegar over the meat and mix them well using your hands. Then sprinkle the spice mix over it and give it a mix again.

You can place the bowl covered with foil directly into the fridge, or you can shrink-wrap it. The benefit of shrink-wrapping is that you can knead the meat in the bag as many times as you need. This will ensure the spice mix penetrates deep inside the meat.

Step 6

After 24 hours, hang the marinated meat, evenly distributed, in a Biltong box. Close the box and turn on the lamp.

After around three days, the thinner pieces will be ready. The thicker slices will take up to 4 days to be ready.

It would be best to keep the Biltong hanging up in a cold room. It is not advised to keep the Biltong in the refrigerator. If it is kept hanging in a dry and well-ventilated place, you can store it for a couple of months.

Mufasa Biltong is your one-stop destination for all sorts of dried meat that you can buy at an affordable price. Please pay a visit to the website to learn more. or visit any of Mufasa Biltong outlets around Perth.

What are the Major Differences Between Biltong and Jerky?

Biltong Perth

As the demand for biltong is increasing even outside South Africa, several people ask the main difference between biltong and jerky. Both are different products, and different procedures manufacture them. The main similarity is that they both are dried meat snacks. You can easily identify both the items by the way they look, how they are made (including both the processes and ingredients), taste and texture. The nutritional value of jerky and Biltong in Perth are also different.

However, both are great as snacks in terms of nutritional value, and their origin dated back to the early expeditions for discovering several new territories. Apart from these, both can be made with meat items other than beef. These are also available with wild meat options like deer, impala, kudu, eland, ostrich, and so on.

Now, going further, it is very important to know the difference between these two food items. Here are some of the points that will describe how these two snacks are dissimilar-

  1. Appearance
    Biltong is generally made in larger pieces, and they are either sold in large pieces or first cut into smaller ones that are then sold in preserved packets. It can also be made in thinner sticks or strips that are dried easily than the larger ones.

    On the other hand, the jerky is thinner and flatter as compared to biltong. It is generally cut in a square or a rectangular shape. It is made from ground beef and squeezed into a rectangular strip shape. It is mainly called the meat “sticks.”

  2. The Preparation Technique
    For biltong, it has no added preservatives. Earlier, this dish was made in South Africa as there was a demand for dried preserved meat among the people who went for longer trips in the interior of South African forests. Vinegar, salt, and other spices are added in biltong and mixed, and the meat piece is dried and cured. In the processing of this meat, vinegar is used for curing, and it also helps in adding flavour to the item.

    The main difference between the procedure of making the biltong and jerky is that the former is made in the absence of heat. A cooler climate is preferable in making the biltong. So, if you are making this snack in a humid climate, you should be careful about the temperature. It is air-dried for a week by hanging the spiced and cured pieces of meat vertically from the hooks. The drying takes around 4-5 days for small or medium pieces, and for the larger pieces, they take about 14 days to dry up completely.

    On the other hand, jerky is also dried but without the addition of any vinegar and salt. The jerky is cooked in the dehydrator for about 6-12 hours or more. Jerky can also be dehydrated in the smoker, sun-dried, oven, or even air-dried. Jerky can be made from whole meat or minced meat.

  3. Nutritional Value
    The most common question is- how much protein content in Biltong in Perth or jerky? A 100 grams of beef biltong has 60 grams of protein, where 94% of protein is mainly digestible, which means the body will absorb almost all the protein content in Biltong.

    In the case of jerky, 100 grams of beef contains 33 grams of protein. An added benefit of jerky is that it is made in a lean cut which can be trimmed for excessive fat.

These are the major differences between jerky and biltong. If you want to order good quality beef biltong, you can place your order at Mufasa Biltong, one of the trusted platforms that provide Biltong, smoked sausages, and boerewors. –

Everything You Need To Know About South African Biltong in Australia

South African biltong Australia

Biltong is one of the most popular and tasty dried and cured meat made and enjoyed by South Africans and other people worldwide. This dried and treated meat is in high demand due to its taste but is very healthy and nutritious compared to the available snacks in the market like chips, chocolates, and oily fast food. People can even eat South African biltong in Australia at the reputed restaurants, and several websites offer biltong and other dried food to the Aussies.

What does The Nutritional Value Biltong provide?

It is one of the best sources of protein. 100 grams of biltong contains 60 grams of protein, high among all the dried and cured meat available. It contains a very low amount of carbohydrates. Unlike the other snacks you get from the market, biltong does not contain any carcinogenic ingredients that might cause several health issues later.

Where Biltong Originate From?

Though biltong is a South African food made from dried beef and game meat, it is found in various parts of the globe. The word “biltong” is derived from two different words- “Bil”, which means buttock, and “tong”, which means strip. Hence, biltong means a long strip of dried and cured meat. This item is very popular in South Africa, and this delicacy is inherited from the ancestors who used dried meat during the expeditions. Biltong has a great interesting history, and it is also having a great future along with ‘droewors’ and caters for the requirement of both the local and international tourists.

Why Does Biltong Generally Not Rot?

Think that you are buying your favourite snack after knowing that it will never expire. Well, it is experienced by all the biltong lovers globally. This is cured and dried in such a manner that prevents contamination and so biltong can never become bad. The meat is mixed with various indigenous spices like salt, sugar, coriander seeds and vinegar. However, it does not mean that you will buy biltong now and think it will last for more than five years from now. Though the meat will not spoil, the longer you will leave, the faster the flavour and freshness will get hampered.

When Biltong Is Will Be Ready To Be Consumed?

If you are making your biltong or are drying the already cured biltong, you will not understand when it is ready to eat. The drying time of this item depends upon the style and type of biltong being prepared. For example, wet biltong gets ready to be consumed faster than the dried South African biltong in Australia. The standard biltong varieties are soft from the centre and dryer on the outer margin. You should dry biltong for 4-5 days before the day when you plan to consume.

How the Biltong Different From Jerky

Many tourists who travel across the globe think that biltong and jerky are similar items, but they are not. They are different in the way they are made and in the overall nutritional value. Biltong is cured and dried with spices and with the help of vinegar, but jerky is made by traditional drying.

Do you want to buy the best quality biltong in Australia? You can place orders from Mufasa Biltong, one of the trusted providers of dried and cured meat.